F I L M | T H E I M I T A T I O N G A M E*

The Imitation Game Review

"Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine"

Yesterday I really fancied a trip to the cinema so combined a half day at the library working on some essays with a late afternoons viewing. I went with my friend Sam as our respective partners aren’t really bothered about WWII code breaking films (we’re off to see The Hunger Games at my boyfriend’s request!!). I managed to stay away from the salt popcorn and we settled in for the  two hour film.

I’m no mathematician but what I gathered was that Enigma was a German machine that made all messages into an unbreakable code. The best bit was that they made no attempts to hide what they were saying, sending coordinates and plans for attack etc. etc. for anyone to openly intercept.  There were over 150 million different possibilities that the code could be and every day at midnight, the code changed again making the allies task even more impossible than it already was. Everyone thought Enigma was unbreakable.  Continue reading