B E A U T Y | U P D A T E #1 S P E N D I N G B A N*

Makeup Spending Ban Update - January

So you may have seen in a previous post I started a four month spending ban. For the first month (January), the task was not to buy any make up whatsoever. I managed this so much more easily than I first thought I would. I realised quite quickly that I had already purchased an unnatural amount of make up and therefore I really, really needed to work with what I already had. So, I try not to go into Boots or Superdrug and if I do its only for essentials and/or a bottle of water. I don’t even go to the make up aisle any more and trying to avoid promotions as well. I’ve walked past Kiko and Selfridge’s on Oxford Street so many times and have not even stepped in. To be honest, I’m pretty proud of myself! Continue reading